About Me

Jessica Passman was born in Queens, New York and raised in Boca Raton, Florida. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in English. Now residing in Queens, New York, Jessica is furthering her education with a Master's Degree in English--Creative Writing. Since she could hold a pencil, Jessica always had a passion for writing poetry, fiction and prose, developing at an early age an infatuation with language. Such zeal had influenced her to learn Portuguese and Spanish. Being so culturally educated at such a young age had made an impact and it generated curiosity within her; to where learning words and dialects of these Romantic languages could not even satisfy. Jessica's desire for travel, to learn and partake first-hand in different cultures, began during late high-school years where age did not restrict her to do so. It was during these stages, where she not only crossed over the invisible threshold to adulthood, but it marked a milestone in the discovery of herself as an individual.

This blog is to share with others the opportunities I had in exploring many exotic destinations of the Caribbean, including beaches, land, activities, languages and food. Throughout each journey, I have encountered different likes and dislikes, dos and don’ts, formed many friendships, and put put to rest some of the typical stereotypes that only one within the country’s boundaries could ever imagine. I hope that my experiences will enlighten others with insight and overall influence any wavering minds.